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1:1 Get Unstuck

Tidying your head space

Iris offers one-on-one co-create sessions to help you become focussed and actionable and to start implementing more of your wants & needs into your day-to-day.

Iris Jönsthövel
Design your future career

Design your future career

- for teenagers - 

Many teenagers feel uncertain about what career to choose. When figuring out which path to take, one that fits their personal interests, favorite skills & unique quirks best, they need actionable tools for exploration. Not a one-size-fits-all competence test.

Custom workshops

Designing the (work) life you’ll love

Iris provides custom workshops for companies and organizations interested in offering their employees practical & creative sessions around Designing the (work) life you’ll love.

Custom workshops

Design-doing & design-thinking tools

Design-doing mind

It takes a lot of effort and introspection to understand what you need from your (work) life to feel energized and how you want to develop yourself. And we often lack the means to make our thoughts explicit.

Design-doing tools

With the use of custom design-thinking tools - including creative worksheets and a whole range of sticker prompts - Iris’ unique and accessible workshops are the hands-on alternative to the existing PD-plan approach.

Design your life

Engagement & well-being

Sooner or later many of us find ourselves in a career that’s not the right fit or lose motivation because we don’t know what really drives us. We see it happening everywhere: engagement levels drop, people burn or bore out and the overall state of well-being is declining because of this problem.


The truth is, we lack a process - a design process - for figuring out what we want, how we want to develop ourselves, and ultimately how to create a (work) life we will love.

Workshop examples

Dutch Design Week

A workshop for visitors of the DDW who felt somewhat overwhelmed by their busy lives and were in need of some clarity and focus. In a 1,5 hour live workshop Iris let them map out activities in their work and personal lives that were most important to them and that they need more of in their lives. At the end of the workshop they went home with a clear plan for action to alter their current situation.


A workshop for 90 students of the TU/e who are at the beginning of a new phase in their lives: entering the job search market. In a 1,5 hour live workshop Iris let them map out their motivations, skills, interests & aspirations that act as their guiding principles for future life decisions. At the end of the workshop they went home with an overview of what they need to feel aligned in their (work) life and alter their job search to reflect that.


Speaking & exhibiting

Iris really enjoys sharing how hands-on design tools & methods enable you to design and live your life to the fullest. When booking Iris for an event to speak at or exhibit, she will make sure to inject some creative energy into your mind so you’ll leave re-inspired!

Events - Creative life
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